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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Why the Knock-On Strategy Is So Popular

Traders can choose just about any binary options strategy and find success; but some of them are more popular than others. This may be partly due to the fact that some are simpler to understand and use while others are more difficult to grasp. The knock on strategy is one of the more complicated types of binary options strategies but it is very logical. In some ways this is a very good option for making some kinds of trades. It is one of the more logically arranged strategies because of the way it is applied.

In order to be able to adopt and use this type of binary options strategy a trader will have to be able to discern the relationship between different assets. This difference might be between two commodities, stocks, indices or currency pairs. To be able to develop this binary options strategy the trader has to figure out how the two assets are related as it pertains to industry. Maybe it's where the two companies are located; or perhaps it is the same two base currencies that one company uses. There are also times when a company will substitute one product and offer a complementary product instead. As a general rule, when products are related it will be a direct relationship; when it is a relationship between two companies it is generally reverse.

When two companies have a reverse relationship a trader will be able to see a decrease in the stock price that is dependent on the company. In cases where there is a direct relationship then when one price increases, so will the other one. An example of a product relationship can be seen by two software products: Microsoft and Oracle. Let's say for example that Microsoft gets attacked by a particular malicious virus. This can cause their stock price to drop drastically. However, another software company, Oracle, may very well see an increase in its stock price since computer users will start looking for a decent substitute that is not susceptible to the virus. We may see a direct relationship between products. For instance, when sugar prices go up, other companies such as coffee and tea producers will see less profit. When the price of sugar increases, stock prices for these other products will decrease in response. Once a trader can get a grasp of some of the basic relationships found in the market, they can develop their own binary options strategy so that they can be successful.

As traders come to understand the various kinds of relationships between products or assets, developing their binary options strategy will be easier and they will be able to follow certain market movements. Because of the direction a primary stock moves a trader will be able to employ a binary options strategy and purchase a call or a put option in response. Understanding these types of relationships will help traders maximize all their profits and do so in a small time frame. They will also be at a trading advantage.

There is a large number of traders who use knock on strategies to help buffet their losses since they will be able to realize a large profit in just a short time. Experienced traders can benefit from this type of binary options strategy as long as they want to continue expanding their personal portfolio. However, to develop the knowledge of a good binary options strategy a trader will have to gain a solid understanding of how the strategies work. They will need to understand the many different aspects and become very familiar with the various types of trading instruments. Traders will also need to know how the relationships between assets work for sustainability. This can only come from spending the time to observe the relationships that two companies, currencies or commodities have; and learning how they react to one another on the market.

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