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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Sleeping With the Enemy

Many beginning Forex traders believe that they will be successful because they have read all the books. Not necessarily. Then there are those that foresee their success simply because they have had much practice. Again, not necessarily. The main enemy of the Forex Market for most newbies is not the lack of knowledge; neither is it the lack of practice, there is an even greater enemy of even the most experienced trader. Trust me; I know this for a fact.

Friends of mine, the greatest enemy you will have in Forex trading will be when you are battling against yourself; yes, that's right, yourself. I have discovered that the greatest enemy in Forex is against the inner emotions that every trader experiences from day to day. The worst enemy you are going to face in the very beginning is not going to be found hiding behind the walls of some global currency trading center, neither will it be lurking in some far country - the worst enemy is inside of you!

All experienced Forex traders will tell you that the most dangerous foe is hiding deep inside of you. That enemy is so powerful that you will be amazed how quickly it will wash away all of your carefully considered decision. Those emotional enemies that you need to fight off are Fear, Greed and Hope; these are the names of three beasts that will haunt and rob you of all economic gains in Forex.

The number 1 beast is Fear. He will tell you to sell near the bottom and buy near the top. He is the one that causes trades that don't make any sense whatsoever. His big sister is Greed. She isn't a bad lady, but she is a very domineering woman. She forces you to get out of the market prematurely. Sometimes she even causes you to forget your training altogether. Then there is their cousin, Hope. Hope is really a sweetheart, most times, but she will keep you involved in the trade until you lose everything. Fear, at times, may save you, but Hope may wreck you completely. Greed will NEVER make you rich!

So now that you know, I would like to encourage you to tame your inner emotions before seriously entering the Forex world. My advice is to get a GREAT education and an even better coach. Learn from some experienced trader(s) and be sure to follow their instructions. And above all, stay committed.

Happy trading.

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As always, happy trading. Mr. Brewer, Founder - NBC Exchange. Providing quality reviews, articles and writings on forex online.

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