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Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Why Forex Traders Often Switch To Third Party Signal Providers

New people enter the forex trading industry every single day, often as individual traders who attempt to generate profits all by themselves. The trouble is that even highly experienced traders often find it difficult to turn a profit, so the novice trader has very little chance of making money in the long run.

There are always some exceptions. I know several traders in the UK who earn either a full-time or a part-time income from trading the currency markets. However as forex firms can themselves testify, the majority of traders end up losing money in the end.

It is for this very reason that more and more people are giving control of their money to other more experienced traders, in the hope that they will make a better fist of it than they can. This sounds like a risky strategy but right now in 2012 it can be a viable way to generate consistent returns if you know what you are doing.

Unless you have the privilege of knowing a profitable trader yourself, you can go down this path by making use of third party signal providers. These come in a few different forms.

There are the old fashioned providers who operate on a subscription basis. In other words you pay a monthly fee, and in return they will send you signals to open and close positions (hopefully for a profit) in real time. The drawback is that you still have to actually place the trades yourself, which can be quite an inconvenience if you are in full-time employment.

The other option is to hand over complete control to another trader (or group of traders) and let them enter and exit positions on your behalf based on their own signals. Many people are choosing this option right now because there are now some very good websites that have made all this possible.

They work by bringing together signal providers and signal subscribers, and both groups of people (along with the host website) have the potential to make some excellent returns.

It all depends on the ability of the signal providers of course, but if you manage to choose the right ones after doing lots of research, there is no reason why you cannot make long term profits from third party forex traders.

It is certainly a lot easier to do your research based on past results and pick out the genuinely profitable traders who generate solid returns without taking adverse risks, than it is to try and make money using your own strategies. Many people try doing this but ultimately fail, which is why third party signal providers are only going to become more and more popular in the coming years.

James Woolley is the owner of theforexarticles.com. Here you will find Marketclub reviews, as well as a full review of the Zulutrade signals website at theforexarticles.com/zulutrade-review/. Providing quality reviews, articles and writings on forex online.

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