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Thursday, 12 July 2012

History Of The Stock Market Tips

Stock market is very difficult to understand but better analysis can reduce this problem then stock tips providers can make good relation with clients in terms of performance. Competition is the part of business but survival makes you stay alive.


I searched on Google but I didn't find the proper archives about the financial advisories that provide stock tips. When they come in this business. But people said they have started this new idea like giving calls and tips for traders from 4-5 years.

Ways to make Clients:

They usually purchased the database for getting contact numbers of traders. E-marketing is also another way to get clients. Some time reference works i.e. they take contact details from their client also. Social networking media play a vital role to get contacts. Facebook, ibibo, linkedin, shtyle.fm and many more things are available to get contacts.

Working Style:

There is process to accomplish the task. Firstly, they make a contact with clients. When clients get convinced they provide stock tips as per their accuracy and segment in which client's trade. Pricing is differing to every segment like cash, future and option, MCX, NCDEX, and Currency. They provide follow ups to their clients on each stock tips so that trader can get profit and mitigate the losses. There are some points which describe the functional way.

Positive approach- Some companies always give proper follow ups for stock tips and when trader should enter in the giving calls they inform them. They always try to maintain their accuracy on monthly or daily basis. It depends upon their strategy. Some offer like above 90% accuracy and more.Negative approach- After giving stock tips and receive payment from the clients they avoid them even clients are getting losses.Crossbreed approach- its combination of both discussed approach. It depends upon the clients and what is relation between company and clients. If clients paid on time that doesn't irritate them, it makes perfect relation and profit for the clients.

Present circumstances:

Now a day's stock tips providers are facing tuff competitions in the market for their survival. Every 10th company is advisory in stock market. If you know analysis and how to play with market then you can even become stock tips provider. The worse thing about the market is every trader wants minimal service charges and 100% accuracy.

Advisories that firstly entered in the market and have a strong monopoly in this area, they are not concentrating on accuracy and proper client services, new traders firstly prefer the renowned tips provider. Presently every day, a new provider is taking birth and giving competition to others. This market is not like big fish swallows small fish.

Expectations and Fear about the future:

Strategy makes you winner in every field. Strategy is about planning and implementation.

Strategy is applying by the companies is not fruitful in near future. If they want to make presence in stock market, they have to plan new thing with proper implementation.

We are expecting new ideas from stock tips provider so trader cannot be moved from this way to services to another's. There are more market players but new ideas will make them competitive. Traders are also expecting that there will be more accurate stock tips so that they can make profit. There will be more ways to deliver stock tips based on different analysis. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

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