FAP Turbo Forex Robot

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Which is the Best Automated Forex Trading EA

Forex Trading is getting more popular with especially a group of automated trading which is made possible by MT4 trading platform Expert Advisor. Expert Advisor are program written by MQL4 languages that comes with MT4 trading platform. These Expert Advisors are coded from winning forex trading strategy and can be run 24 hours continuously to trade for you. Such trading system have created thousand dollars of profit daily and helped many to achieve passive income in Forex Trading.

FAP Turbo is one of the best Forex Trading Expert Advisor. If you go to my website you can read the whole review about this expert advisor with outstanding results. I will briefly talk about this below.

Profit Factor

Why is Profit Factor so important for simulated automated Forex trading system? Profit factor is simply using the profit earned divide by the losses incurred. Related Coverage Forex Hedge Fund Ea - Do Forex Automated Trading Systems Work? Forex automated trading is without a doubt one of the shadiest and most dangerous markets I have come across during my life. When you begin your journey in automated trading you will find a lot of promises and a lot of potential which ultimately leads you to purchase products believing that you will achieve financial freedom within a few years or even months.

Best Forex EA Expert Review To trade in currencies, one needs access to a trading account. You get the access via foreign exchange (forex) software for trading. The number of standard types of softwares for trading currencies is four. Each and every type of this software has its own advantages coupled with its own flexibility for the trader. Forex Morning Trade Ea-Forex Morning Trade Ea Review Do you want to create dollars? Not surprisingly, we all want, however it is not effortless to generate dollars. Forex EA (Software Program) Reviews A fair and balanced review of the most popular FOREX trading programs on the market.

These are not going to net you the millions per year they may promise, but they do work as an affordable educational tool for any new/intermediate trader who really wants to grow his knowledge and extend himself in the way of automated trading platforms.To put this in an illustration mode for easy understanding, for every dollar you invest, you take the profit divide by your losses. For example Profit Factor of 3 meaning you earn $3 for every $1 you losses. For FAP Turbo, from the simulation data presented in the website, it comes with a high Profit Factor figure of 31.77 This equal to earning $37 dollars against losing only $1 dollars. This is one of the best rating a Expert Advisor can achieve.

Maximum Draw Down

Draw down is the lowest point in your trading account with all unrealized profit/loss trades. When I mention unrealized trades are trades that you executed but not yet closed. As the trading account will increase or decrease due to profit or losses made from trade closed. But with Draw Down, this will take into account closed trades which is already reflected in the trading account plus the unrealized profit/loss trades. With the maximum value on Draw Down, this indicator the lowest point in terms of pips or percentage of the trading account. For FAP Turbo, it only registered a very small 0.32% maximum show that you only loss 32 cents for a trading account of $100.

Winning Percentage

This is the percentage of winning trades over total trades. With this figure alone, we will know what the success rate of winning over any total trades. With a 50% trade, means 50 trades win over 100 trades executed. This alone is not enough but with stop loss and profit take, this is very significant if comparing between Expert Advisor. If all trades are stop loss at 200 pips, with 50 pips profit take, at 80% winning rate, you will have zero gains. For FAP Turbo, it has a 150 pips stop loss and a 99% winning rate with average 15 pips win. To calculate, it will need to have a 90% winning rate or more to stay profitable.

By looking at Profit Factor, Maximal Draw Down and Winning Percentage (With Stop Loss and Profit Take), you can easily determine if the Expert Advisor is working profitable for you or losses money on your trading account. Another factor I would like you to bring it with you before I end my discussion here, is the time factor. How long is this Expert Advisor running and what time duration is the strategy tester simulated results base on. I would highly recommended duration of more then 1 year in order to achieve effect trading results. source.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Hоw Tо Start Trading Thе Forex Market? (Part 4 )

Whаt аrе *PIPS* ?

Currencies аrе traded оn а price/ point (pip) system. Eасh currency pair hаѕ іtѕ оwn pip value.
Whеn уоu ѕее а FOREX price quote, you'll ѕее ѕоmеthіng listed lіkе this:
EUR/USD 1.2210/13


a) If уоu wаnt tо BUY thе EUR/USD ( meaning уоu BUY EUROS аnd SELL US$ ) уоu buy 100,000 EUROS аnd уоu SELL 122,130 US$, оr іn оthеr words уоu receive
122,130 US$ fоr 100,000 EUROS.

b) If уоu wаnt tо SELL thе EUR/USD ( meaning уоu SELL EUROS аnd BUY US$ ) уоu buy 122,100 US$ аnd sell 100,000 EUROS, оr іn оthеr words уоu receive 100,000 EUROS fоr 122,100 US$.

Thе difference bеtwееn thе bid аnd thе аѕk price іѕ referred tо аѕ thе spread. In thе еxаmрlе above, thе spread іѕ 3 оr 3 pips.

Sіnсе thе US dollar іѕ thе centerpiece оf thе FOREX market, іt іѕ nоrmаllу considered thе 'base' currency fоr quotes. In thе "Majors", thіѕ includes USD/JPY, USD/CHF аnd USD/CAD. Fоr thеѕе currencies аnd mаnу others, quotes аrе expressed аѕ а unit оf $1 USD реr thе ѕесоnd currency quoted іn thе pair.

Fоr еxаmрlе а quote оf USD/CHF 1.3000 means thаt fore оnе U.S. dollar уоu receive 1.30 Swiss Francs. оr іn оthеr words, уоu receive 1.30 Swiss Franc fоr еасh 1 US$.

Whеn thе U.S. dollar іѕ thе base unit аnd а currency quote gоеѕ up, іt means thе dollar hаѕ appreciated іn vаluе аnd thе оthеr currency hаѕ weakened. If thе USD/CHF quote аbоvе increases tо 1.3050 thе dollar іѕ stronger bесаuѕе іt wіll nоw buy mоrе Swiss Franc thаn before.

Thе thrее exceptions tо thіѕ rule аrе thе British pound (GBP), thе Australian dollar (AUD) аnd thе Euro (EUR). In thеѕе cases, уоu mіght ѕее а quote ѕuсh аѕ EUR/USD 1.2080, meaning thаt fоr EURO уоu receive 1.2080 U.S. Dollars.

In thеѕе thrее currency pairs, whеrе thе U.S. dollar іѕ nоt thе base rate, а rising quote means а weakening dollar, аѕ іt nоw takes mоrе U.S. dollars tо equal оnе Euro, British pound оr аn Australian dollar.

In оthеr words, іf а currency quote gоеѕ higher, thаt increases thе vаluе оf thе base currency. A lоwеr quote means thе base currency іѕ weakening.

Currency pairs thаt dо nоt involve thе U.S. dollar аrе called cross currencies, but thе calculation іѕ thе same. Fоr example, а quote оf EUR/JPY 134.50 signifies thаt оnе Euro іѕ equal tо 134.50 Japanese yen.

HOW TO BUY ( gоіng   LONG  )and SELL ( gоіng   SHORT  ) іn thе FOREX Market?
Kеер іn mind 2 vеrу important rules:

RULE # 1) Cut уоur LOOSING trades аnd lеt уоur WINNING trades RUN

YOU WILL HAVE LOSING TRADES. Evеrу FOREX trader has. Thе secret is, thаt а consistent, disciplined trader, аt thе еnd оf thе day, adds uр mоrе winning trades thаn losing trades.

Whеn уоu аnd ѕее оn уоur charts, wіthоut аnу doubt, thаt уоu аrе іn а losing trade, don't kеер losing money. Mоѕt оf thе novice traders аrе lowering thеіr stop loss јuѕt tо  prove thеу аrе rіght  оr  hoping thаt thе market wіll reverse . 99% оf thеѕе trades, аrе еndіng uр wіth mоrе losses. Mоѕt оf thе profitable trades аrе uѕuаllу "right" immediately.

Remember, smart traders knоw thеrе аrе mаnу оthеr opportunities. CUT уоur losses short аnd compound thоѕе winning positions.

RULE 2) NEVER EVER trade FOREX wіthоut placing а Stop Loss Order.
PLACE а STOP order, rіght аlоng wіth уоur ENTRY order, vіа уоur online trading station, tо prevent potential losses.

Bеfоrе initiating аnу trade, уоu hаvе tо calculate аt whаt point ( price) уоu wоuld bе wrong, bесаuѕе thе market changed direction, аnd wоuld wаnt tо cut уоur losses.

Tо mаkе profits, іn thе FOREX, а trader саn enter thе market wіth а *buy position* (known аѕ gоіng "long") оr а *sell position* (known аѕ gоіng "short").

Aѕ аn еxаmрlе let's assume you've bееn studying thе EURO. Thе EURO іѕ paired fіrѕt wіth thе U.S. dollar оr USD.

Yоur trading methods, rules, strategies, etc., tеll уоu thаt thе EURO wіll rice іn thе nеxt 2 weeks, Sо уоu buy thе EUR/USD pair meaning уоu wіll simultaneously buy EUROS, аnd SELL dollars).
Yоu open uр уоur excellent trading station software (provided tо уоu fоr free bу Fenix Capital Management, LLC fenixcapitalmanagement.com) аnd уоu ѕее thаt thе EUR/USD pair іѕ trading at:
EUR/USD: 1.2010/1.2013

Aѕ уоu уоu bеlіеvе thаt thе market price fоr thе EUR/USD pair wіll gо higher, уоu wіll enter а *buy position* іn thе market.

Aѕ аn example, lеtѕ ѕау уоu bought оnе lot EUR/USD аt 1.2013. Aѕ long аѕ уоu sell bасk thе pair аt а higher price, thеn уоu mаkе money.

Tо illustrate а typical FX SELL trade, соnѕіdеr thіѕ scenario involving thе USD/JPY currency pair:
REMEMBER Selling ("going short") thе currency pair implies selling thе first, base currency, аnd buying thе second, quote currency. Yоu sell thе currency pair іf уоu bеlіеvе thе base currency (USD) wіll gо dоwn relative tо thе quote currency (JPY), оr equivalently, thаt thе quote currency (JPY) wіll gо uр relative tо thе base currency (USD).


Thе Profit Calculations, оn thе Short-sell trade scenario below, mау ѕееm ѕоmеwhаt complicated іf you've nеvеr bееn іn thе FOREX market before, but thіѕ process іѕ continually calculated thrоugh уоur broker trade station (software). I show уоu thіѕ process bеlоw ѕо уоu саn SEE hоw а PROFIT mіght occur.

Thе current bid/ask price fоr USD/JPY іѕ 107.50/107.54, meaning уоu саn buy $1 US fоr 107.54 YEN, оr sell $1 US fоr 107.50 YEN.

Suppose уоu thіnk thаt thе US Dollar (USD) іѕ overvalued аgаіnѕt thе YEN (JPY). Tо execute thіѕ strategy, уоu wоuld sell Dollars (simultaneously buying YEN), аnd thеn wait fоr thе exchange rate tо rise.

Yоur trade wоuld bе thе following: уоu sell 1 lot USD (US $100,000) аnd уоu buy 1 lot JPY (10,754.000 YEN). (Remember, аt 0.25 % margin, уоur initial margin deposit fоr thіѕ trade wоuld bе $ 250.)

Aѕ уоu expected, USD/JPY falls tо 106.50/106.54, meaning уоu саn nоw buy $1 US fоr $106.54 Japanese YEN оr sell $1 US fоr 106.50.

Sіnсе you're short dollars (and аrе long YEN), уоu muѕt nоw buy dollars аnd sell bасk thе YEN tо realize аnу profit.

Yоu buy US $100,000 аt thе current USD/JPY rate оf 106.54, аnd receive 10,654,000 YEN. Sіnсе уоu originally bought (paid for) 10,754,000 YEN, уоur profit іѕ 100,000 YEN.

Tо calculate уоur P&L іn terms оf US dollars, divide 100,000 bу thе current USD/JPY rate оf 106.54
Total profit = US $938.61

Want to trade forex using a tried and tested forex robot that guarantees profit every month on autopilot? See proof and videos of Fapturbo in action visit: Fapturbo Official Site. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Friday, 27 July 2012

3 tips to better your forex trading results

#1 Discipline: Stick to your trading rules

You must never get emotion while trading as it will cause you to loss money in trading. For example if you execute a trade with is trending but just minutes after the trades, the currency price went against you and you went into losses. You may have losses that goes as low as -100pips (assume your stop loss is 150pips), do not panic and close your trade early to cut losses. Always stick to your trading rules. Hold onto the trade and let the trend ride out.

Like wise, if you execute a trade and the trend just go crazy and hit 100 pips profit. Do not be temped to close the trade and get the profit (assume your profit take is 200 pips). For fear of losing before the trade hit the profit target, you may just close the trade. Do not be over joy and close the trade. Stick to the trading rules and let the trade hit the profit level by itself. You may end up missing the profit that you should if you let emotion affect you. Be discipline always.

#2 Money management

This is the most important factor to every forex trader that is actively trading the currency market. Due to the leverage of forex trading as compare to conventional stock and shares, the leverage of currency in forex is 100:1. By saying this, using 100K contract or equivalent of buying 1 lot of normal trade, which is 100 x $1k of equivalent of currency value. In relative calculation, 1 pip which is 4 decimal for United State Dollar give you $10 per pip. (Assuming flat exchange rate for simplicity). With a trading account of 100:1 leverage, You need to spend $1k to buy and hold onto 1 lot at 100k contract.

The above is simple to calculate by just taking the leverage of your trading account setting. The tricky part is the margin calculation. Taking the same example, if the currency goes up by 100 pips, you will gain $1k unrealized profit. But if the currency does down -100 pips, you will loss $1k unrealized loss. So if you only have 2k capital in your trading account, your account would hit margin call (1k+1k=2k). The trade would be faced to close by your forex broker and you will hit losses. So it very risky to trade with zero stoploss. For me, by rule of thumb, I will use 10% of capital to trade, by calculation, you would have 900 pips to play with. (this applied to leverage 100 or 200 or 500:1 because leverage only reduce your initial 1k holding to $200. Since your contract is still 100k contract, the pips loss and profit remain the same. So stick to using 10% or less of your capital to trade). Instead of increase your capital, you can use mini lot or 0.1 lot for 100k contract. This will reduce your holding to $100 (using the above example).

#3 Review all trade: Keep a trading journal.

Good consistent trader always keeps a trading journal. Winning trades and losing trades are review consistently for flaws and good trigger setup. As all trades are executed using setup triggers, always have a habit of trying out different variation of the setup trigger. Example could be Simple moving average, you may find at period of 20 SMA cross over 50 SMA at 1 hour trading chart, always give you an accurate signal to execute a buy trade for EURUSD during early morning hours, and over 10 trades, you hit 7 winning trades. You can apply this together with another set of trigger rules to make your winning rates higher and consistent.

There are many indicatora which can assist in getting better trading results. Please visit my website for more information. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Trading Psychology: Master Your Emotions and Anxiety

It often comes as a huge surprise for many people that more than 95 percent of the forex business owners lose money.

There are plenty of trading techniques which perform well but two forex traders using the same systems can get a completely different outcome. There are many workshops, courses; mentorships and more that can assist a lot of traders to make cash again and again. Even with all these, only some people succeed in forex trading. Do you know why? The answer is forex trading psychology. The fact is that no matter which technique you are using in your trading counts unless you control your physical feelings, remove trading anxiety and prevent silly trading mistakes.

Most of the losses are caused through irrational trading judgment made by those who should know better. Forex trading psychology describes why two traders with similar trading programs can get completely different results in forex trading. Controlling your emotions and mind may prove to be the really big challenge you meet as a trader and can make all the difference in your results.

To have good control of your forex trading, you should of course use a stop loss and probably a take profit as well. They let you keep in the trade without having to constantly monitor your screen. The more you stare at the trade the more it keeps playing in your mind.

Certain traders in the forex trading market use stop loss programs and take profit prices but still regularly go back to their trading screen to check how the trade is going, as if this part of the process will magically make the market do what you need.

What is the use of a stop loss when you are planning to view the trade constantly?

At the time you use the best high leverages you do posses the prospective of high profits but big losses also. It can ultimately drive you mad with fatigue and result in wrong trading judgments. Until you acquire a killer trading psychology, keep to small leverages. You should also restrict and limit your losses with a rigid stop loss policy - not shifting the stop loss "just in case".

When you do this you will understand that in bad situations, you will come out of the forex market with little loss. So you need not worry about the losses as with the right strategy and mindset they'll be far outweighed by the profits.

It is also good not to use a method or technique in which you are not totally confident.

Always use a reliable, proven and structured technique: you will become a calmer forex trader.

Do not ignore your forex trading psychology; always work with your mental fitness. It is important for your long term success in the forex market.

The effective way is to get begin in the forex market is to read, watch, learn and try the free demo accounts. The free trial accounts will deliver you all the information, support you, assist and give charts to get guidelines.

Watching to the everyday forex trading activities will assist you to set the best patterns and become careful of different situations. Even though all kinds of tools and methods are available, you should be able to control your emotions while trading in the forex market. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

What do Forex Trading Brokers Offer?

Forex trading brokers play an important role and can help you achieve greater trading success in the forex markets. Finding yourself a reliable broker will enable you to play the markets in a profitable manner. Since there are many forex trading brokers in the market place it is important to research, identify and review different brokers as this will enable you to find a broker who suits your trading needs. Always set some standards when looking for reliable forex trading brokers. Some of the things that you should look for include Affiliate Program Review, customer service and of course, the kind of resources the broker provides.

How resourceful is your broker?

Reliable forex trading brokers are those who are very resourceful. Related Coverage Forex Trading Online Broker Finding a good Forex online broker trading service can be a very difficult task but is essential if you want to ensure that as much profit as possible from the market. The setting of the wrong company could lead to devastating results as if you actually do this, trading on your own without any assistance or training. Forex Broker One of the key requirements when looking to move into the world of Forex trading is to find an appropriate Forex broker Understanding What Forex Brokers Do IN LAYMAN’S terms, “brokers” could be individuals who act as middlemen or agents.

In foreign exchange trading, these persons may be referred to as forex brokers tasked to connect a seller and a buyer to the trading arena. Forex Brokers To trade the forex market you need a reputable, trusted, and capable forex broker, the broker is the person or business that facilitates your interaction with the forex market. Without a quality forex broker there would be no way you could trade the forex market and take advantage of profitable trading opportunities each and every daySuch brokers provide you with all the latest market information so that it enables you to take quick and timely decisions. Find out the kind of trading software your broker is using.

If it is in sync with your financial objectives, fine. Otherwise, look for a broker who is more resourceful. The best forex trading brokers offer real time prices and at the same time provide data on the number of trades made so that expiry rates recorded on their trading platforms are in line with the closing rates in the forex market. Further, these brokers will also provide you with an authentic office address and contact details. They also provide you with a variety of trading tools so that you can trade without any difficulty.

Next, find out what kind of trading platform your broker is offering. Always look for a broker who offers you a well designed trading platform with a lot of features. Make sure that you are able to navigate your way through the platform easily and also ensure that you have all the relevant information on your fingertips.

Customer Service

Customer service plays a key role in the success or failure of a broker. Well reputed forex trading brokers will extend all the support required to make sure that you have a great trading session. Such brokers will have a team of fully trained support staff on hand to assist you as and when you have a query or an issue. Lastly, forex trading brokers ensure that you have a great trading experience. source.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Making Use of Forex Business to Increase Earnings

The lure of making good amount of money has brought people into the doorsteps of forex business so that they can have an extra income just by sitting at home. It will only require a computer and internet connection to carry on the process where forex market and its knowledge would be required to bring on more trade. There are plenty of opportunities in the forex market itself to get good returns by investing in the foreign currency exchange.

But besides that, there are other sources which can get people money from the foreign currency exchange market. A new system of online promotion is being presented these days and it is known as forex affiliate. This means that another website carries on the promotional work of the forex platform on behalf of the platform so that more people know about it and the different tools and indicators that are being provided by the platform.

For carrying out the affiliate work, people only require the computer and internet and should have a website of their own, so that they can carry on the work of online promotion. Idea about forex, internet marketing, website promotion, and such things are also an additional benefit because it will be essential when people are promoting a particular product. In such a forex business, people who have their websites are their own business owners. This means that they will be taking up the project from a particular forex company and then carrying on their work of promoting the platform and its related products.

This is a very easy work and the money is good because for every customer that the affiliate site provides to the platform, or for every sale of an indicator or tool, they get commission which is quite handsome in the present day scenario. People are only required to carry out the promotional activities and do not have to indulge in anything else. With more and more such offers, it is a pretty good chance for those interested in such a forex business to make a huge amount of money. With the right promotional activities and proper approach to marketing through the affiliate sites, the money can flow in good amount.

People might require the knowledge of search engine optimisation or such knowledge which will increase the visibility of their sites among the target audience. This is something that can be done easily by people as they wouldn't have to do much for being a successful forex affiliate. It is being seen as a potential way to earn money with minimum amount of investment and even time, if one is proficient in making websites. A little time and use of smartness can take the forex business to great heights and is prospective for the future because in the coming years, the forex market is going to get further popularised. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Monday, 23 July 2012

US dollar impacts Trader’s investment in stock market

Traders are confused after having poor performance of Indian rupee. It decreases FII(foreign institutional investors) and DII(domestic institutional investors). US dollar always has demands among traders but USD creates tensions due to exchange in terms of INR. More USD exchange rates require more INR. It creates climate where every traders thinks what will be next move of stock market. Traders can’t easily decide what should be hedge funds due to vulnerable pace of stock market. News, rumors, global market updates decide market trend, and example S&P has decreased India’s credit rating due to poor performance of Indian economy. This news demoralized domestic investors and foreign investors. Traders think that there is scarcity of money, there will not be buyers and sellers.

US dollar is global currency for import and export. Related Coverage The U.S. Dollar's Impact on Price Action in the S&P 500, Gold, & Oil Assuming the U.S. Dollar breaks down, we should see the S&P 500, precious metals, and oil continue to work higher. My eyes are going to be watching the U.S. Dollar Index closely in coming days/weeks. If a breakdown transpires, the potential upside in precious metals and oil could be intense. Ultimately, I remain slightly bullish on stocks and extremely bullish on oil and precious metals. However, my entire thesis could change if the U.S. Dollar Index starts to firm up and begins to work higher. U.S. Stocks Pare Gains U.S. stocks retreated from early gains Monday as traders eyed this week’s election results and Fed meeting.

The stock markets were mixed with the Dow Jones and the Standard& Poor index gaining and the Nasdaq declining. U.S. stocks extended climb U.S. markets posted a narrow gain on Friday, bumping higher to weekly modest gains as tech companies’ earning boosted sentiment. However, investors still worried about the economic data. Forex - U.S Dollar Equals Canadian Dollar Tourists from the United States suffer long enjoyed trips to Canada in search of vacation and shopping bargains. Recently, however, the Canadian buck has stirred to parity adjacent to the U.S. Buck threatening to take by surprise it in cherish. Fueled by the strength in the freight souk such as uranium and lubricate, the loonie, as the Canadian buck is tenderly called, instantly commands novel respect. What does this mean on behalf of U.S. Traders in the foreign switch over (FOREX) souk?

Importers generally hedge their risk by purchasing American currency against Indian rupee and exporters hedge their risk by selling dollar against INR. If it hikes then importer has to give more INR and exporter will get less $. It means, high dollar has positive as well as negative impacts on economy. But high USD always has negative correlation with traders who expect bullish market.  It has inverse relation with Nifty and Sensex. Whenever it hikes, Nifty goes down. It affects fifty stocks of Nifty, therefore traders get demoralized to invest money and sometimes they refuse trading. At present, market has unpredictable situation like sideways, up, down. Nobody can predict what will be market trend; it’s a pathetic situation for traders. NSE- indices represent different stocks and size of the company. Those firms have direct profit relation with external value of Indian rupees which have export and import business. Mostly reactions are reflected from IT, technology, knowledge based sectors due fluctuations in US dollar exchange rates.

Main issue with dollar ($) it behaves like an intermediary due to three way transactions in international transfer mechanisms. Our govt. pays US dollar for crude oil. When it is appreciated then we pay more rupees. Foreign education loans also get expensive.  Import of machinery, crude, weapons, air craft are decided by global USD exchange rates. But those are received their remittances by foreign currency, they enjoy its hiking.

Forward currency market was used for hedging exchange rate risk in customized way. But MCX-SX is playing a role of legal place where trading of currency like USD, EUR, JPY, GBP against INR is possible without any counterparty risk. Forex trading is only way of security against exchange rate’s negative impacts on trader’s investment decision. It is allowed trading in currency future. Stock market is a place where traders lose as well as win; same concept applies on other currencies if global currency appreciates then domestic automatically devaluates. source.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Effective Money Management in Forex Trading

First let's discuss about management. It is an on going process that manages your resources efficiently. For Forex trading, money management is about sizing your trading lots, margin call and risk you can handle with your limited capital.

In order to practice effective money management, you need to know 2 things. First is your capital that is used to trade. Second is the leverage of your account. The trades are mention here default 100k full contract at 1 lot. Mini lots are 0.1 for 10k contract.

Capital: Your Forex Trading fund

Every forex trader will need to have capital as funding to trade forex. Since it is the currency market, your have to fund in money into your trading account and use it as a capital for Forex trading. The default currency is usually United State Dollar. But it you use Great Britain Pound or Europe Euro, the trades will automatically convert to the currency that you buy or sell using the broker exchange rate. Example if you are default using USD in your trading account and you buy EURGBP, your USD will be converted to EUR and use that to buy GBP. (USD * exchange rate of EUR * exchange rate of GBP) to buy 1 lot of EURGBP. This will be the amount that will be used to buy and will show as holding equity in your trading account summary. The margin will be depending on your leverage which is the next section.

Leverage and trading account.

If you have a leverage account of 100:1, buying 1 lot at 100k contract, you will need to have $1k holding capital. This is using USD as a basis. So if you are buying EURGBP, your $1k will multiply by exchange rate of USDEUR and EURGBP. Notice that the exchange rate is usually quoted in EURUSD, so you need to convert is to USDEUR by dividing it over numeration 1. So you may be required to have $1.8k USD to execute this buy 1 lot trade. As you can see, buy currency that is much more higher exchange rate then your default currency you will need more capital. But the profit and loss will also increase due to this. Meaning if your trade win 100 pips from selling of EURGBP, your profit will be $1.8k (higher then $1k profit USD as default). This is a double edge sword. Losses appied. (Am not taking into account swap).

With the above 2 values, you can easily calculate the capital you need. But what is your minimum level or capital that needed to handle losses and drawdown? When we talk about drawdown is referring to the maximum drawdown for unrealized loss that your trading account will not margin call out. Example if your trading is set to stop loss of 100 pips and maximum drawdown is 4 lots, so effectively your capital must be able to take 500 pips of losses before you profit can come back. For a full 100k contract that would be $5k for USD default. As a rule of thumb, taking into account highest exchange rate for USD to other currency, 10% rule applies. This is taking into account that your loss does not go beyond 500pips. If it does, use 0.2 to 0.5 lots trading instead. This will bring down your 10% to 2% or 5% respectively.

This is the portion where many traders did not estimate when running expert advisor. If your combined expert advisor gives 1000 pips maximum drawdown, you have to take into account this -1000 pips into your money management. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Profits of creating online trading account

Lots of people talk about online trading these days, as it is quite an essential part of business, we are doing it because online market has grown to a great level, our knowledge about trading options matter lot, as we can grow as the leading investor in terms of online trading, most of the time we should not encouraged by people but that should not be a right thing to look, we should manage the good earnings by looking in plans which are ideal to hang with. Online trading account should be a right choice for people, as nothing better can be looked into. Online trading is one thing looked by so many people, as it is getting bigger with day by day.

There are so many things considered while starting your career as the investor, if more things you want to learn from online market, there are so many places where from we can boost up our knowledge about the market. Online trading is great kind of support for young investors, as they don't have sufficient time to look into stocks or contact with brokers every time. With the help of online trading account, it is easy to communicate with people have great knowledge about the market and can easily describe your way of business.

There are so many profits we have while having online trading account, it will be nice idea to maintain high earning from market, and continue your work with great support from Brokerage Company. If you are creating account with a reliable company then, it will be easy for you to start earning from the first day of investment. Kind of strategy developed by us are managed by brokerage company, if we are putting effort in finding a trusted brokerage company then nothing to worry about.

Online trading involves huge money which is invested on stocks, so we have to be very specific, a single mistake made by investor will turn into the big career ending scenario for us. Investors have proper time to adjust their plans and if they fail to do so, then nothing can stop from tasting a loss which can't be undone. If you want to learn basics of binary options trading with multiple benefits then it will be great, so look for it.

Trading is all about planning and remarkable market analysis, if we are not performing market research about the invested stocks, then nothing can work in our favor. Most amazing feature will be the one resides in our market research sheet, all winning strategy developed from the single data sheet that shows everything you want to know about a stock.

Trading options are newly developed tools for the investment, by means of such trading options we can continue our investing on high earning stocks. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Ways On How To Earn Money In Foreign exchange

To obtain the perfect moment to take a position, give consideration to both place rate and also the forward rate. The forward rate signifies the given worth of a currency in a certain reason for time, no matter its place rate. The place rate signifies the present fluctuation and enables you to definitely guess the approaching trend. Make use of your personality as helpful tips for determine what you are like a trader. You may like the idea of quick effective trades putting money in your wallet frequently, which may cause you to a scalper. Would you just like a consistent flow of profits from well thought choices within the short term? You're a day trader. Should you like the possible returns from the well developed, time invested plan then you're a swing trader. Related Coverage Foreign Exchange Forex Artificial Intelligence is here to stay and it is the method of how to trade the Forex market and rapidly get into the mainstream of tremendous profitability.

Accuracy is very important when it comes to Forex trading and this is why there is a constant need to rely on Forex AI or Forex Artificial Intelligence. Foreign Exchange Blessed are those which can be experts in forextrading. They know all the nuances of the money market and play with their money so as to maximise their profits. However the population of these individuals is moderately less. The bulk of folks who take pleasure in forextrading undergo foreign exchange brokers who are thought of the consultants on this field. Foreign Exchange Forex trading, as we all know, entails trading in the currency market place. The foreign exchange or the FX market is a strange place. While it makes some, it also breaks some. Hence, it is all the time good to be prudent when buying and selling in foreign exchange.

Foreign Money Exchange When running a business, one thing that can be extremely beneficial is globalization and online business. By globalizing and making your presence established online, you can attract a huge base of potential customers and clients, rather than just the people who visit your store.Know yourself and trade the marketplace accordingly. Like a beginning foreign exchange trader, a quick computer and Web connection are crucial. You are gonna need to look into the marketplaces as frequently as you possibly can, and things can alter drastically inside a heartbeat. Day traders have to stay as alert as you possibly can to remain conscious of rapid alterations in the exchange.

Make sure to only trade in your means. If you fail to manage to lose, you surely can't afford to win. Losing is really a natural event within the buying and selling market and you're simply certain to lose at one time or any other. Only do business with money that you could manage to lose to be able to avoid financial devastation. While demo buying and selling is a powerful tool for individuals who're very unskilled within the Foreign exchange market, you should wean yourself from the demo system as quickly as possible. After prolonged demo buying and selling, currency assumes exactly the same perceived value as fake money - getting relatively less value compared to real factor. Never attempt to recuperate immediately any deficits you've had. Doing this can cloud how well you see of what's truly happening on the market, and may lead you to make rash choices, leading to much more loss.

The very best factor you should do is sit out for a while, and remember understand why your trade lost out. Gear your buying and selling systems and methods to the present market trends. There's no perfect strategy that will get leads to any market. A buying and selling stratgy that works well within an upward-trending market might not be the best system to make use of inside a downward-trending market. Read your market indications, and make certain to choose a method that actually works using the trend. Traders using Foreign exchange for related business activities possess a wide range of assets at hand for example FOREXTrader Professional, numerous planning tools, Mt4 and a whole lot. The supply of those effective tools causes it to be easy for all sorts of traders and clients to complete their objectives effectively.

A great Foreign exchange tip would be to avoid buying and selling on Mondays and Fridays. As the marketplace is open 24 hrs each day, seven days per week, Mondays and Fridays are usually hard to rely on days to trade on and may lead you to loose money. Stay with buying and selling on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. To be able to do business with minimal risk, you need to automate your buying and selling, whenever possible. Essentially, you need to make an effort to make similar trades throughout the same situation, constantly. This can produce a reliable strategy which will strongly cut lower around the risk associated with buying and selling. Before trading money into a real Foreign exchange account, try practicing on the demo account. It's a undeniable fact that 90 % of beginners neglect to succeed at Foreign exchange buying and selling due to the absence of understanding.

It's suggested you utilize a demo take into account two several weeks or before you are certain that guess what happens you do. If selecting tops and bottoms in Foreign currency, bear in mind that this is often a great challenge for seasoned traders. You have to delay until the price action is confirmed just before going for a situation on any bottom or top trade. There's profit here, but it's also harmful, so make certain to possess persistence and discover the trade through. Just like any other investments exchanged, there has to be market analysis and research done prior to you making neglect the options and moves within the foreign exchange market. You should know terminology, methods, and you should know concerning the options and options you've.

Learn about foreign exchange buying and selling prior to you making your moves. When confronted with a Foreign exchange trade, seriously consider your major support or resistance. Once it passes this you can start to change your stop-loss to secure having a certain profit. The stop-loss ought to be underneath the older major resistance if you're thinking about going lengthy. When the cost is constantly on the break with the resistance, then you definitely must start to change your stop-loss to secure more profit before you hit your target profit. This really is to ensure that you simply earn money around the trade, even when it reverses you. Avoid buying and selling foreign currencies impulsively- possess a plan. Whenever you make impulsive trades you may trade according to emotion instead of following market trends or following any type of plan.

Impulsive buying and selling results in greater deficits, not greater profits so it is advisable to plan your trades. With all the understanding you simply learned you may feel just a little overcome. If that is the situation and you have to reread this short article, then get it done. You need to make sure the best rate of success as you possibly can and the only method you are able to aspire to gain that success is that if you remember and apply that understanding. source.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Which is the right forex provider for you?

Which is the right forex provider for you?

As one of the biggest financial markets in the world, forex attracts a lot of attention from both corporate and private investors alike.  This has resulted in a surge of new companies starting up with attractive introductory offers, in order to attract your business.  However, choosing a forex provider requires more consideration than simply opting for the best introductory deal.

This article is designed to help the new trader find the right forex provider for them, as well as providing guidance for experienced traders who are looking to switch from their current broker.

Competitive fees and commissions

The difference between a profit and a loss can sometimes depend on the charges applied by your forex provider.  A broker that offers low currency conversion fees and offers tight spreads on its currency pairs would be a good place to start.

The currency pairs you want

It is important that the forex provider offers the currency pairs that you want to trade on.  Most providers will offer the major pairs, such as EUR/USD and AUD/USD, but a few will also provide currency pairs involving emerging countries that you might be interested in.

In addition to this, you may be able to practice your forex trading before you invest with a free forex demo account.  By trading with the provider’s virtual currency, you can test the forex market, as well as the broker’s platform, before you invest.

Help to improve you as a trader

Something that is often overlooked by traders, when looking for a forex provider, is the educational service they provide.  There are some providers out there who will aim to improve you as a trader.  They provide extensive market analysis and free online seminars in order to teach you more about the underlying markets, which could be important in helping you trade successfully.

IG Markets is a forex and CFD provider that offers over 60 currency pairs to trade on, for both their demo and full accounts.  They also provide a specific forex focus that covers the major currency pair movements, along with twice daily market analysis, in order to help you keep track of what is driving the forex markets.

This article is provided for information purposes and should not be regarded as financial product advice. Related Coverage Which is the Right SEO service provider The article gives you the considerable steps to ensure that you are dealing with reliable SEO from Pakistan. Determining Which Satellite Tv Provider Is Right For You When it comes to subscription-based home entertainment solutions, it can be tough choosing the right one for you. The satellite TV landscape in particular is extremely competitive, which is both a good and bad thing for potential customers. It's good because competition will bring out the best in the various providers, but it's bad because you're going to have to do a bit more research in order to make the best decision possible.

Learn Forex with Forex Signal Service Providers A Forex signal is basically forex advice or news which help the trader decide whether or not to make a trade. Is Forex Megadroid the Right Forex Robot For You? Forex automatons applied for trading have forthwith been popular among fussy bargainers. This software program is programmed to do projects related forex trading which can aid in assisting mongers. It is for certain a large supporter to be able to extinguish the long times of day of monitoring over the changes in the forex market place.

The system may be able to do the monitoring the least bit hours without any break.Please refer to the risk disclosure statement from IG Markets.  CFD trading can result in losses that exceed your initial deposit. You should consider the information in light of your specific objectives, financial situation or needs before making any trading or investment decision. source.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Forex Trading Introduction Tutorial

The Forex currency market is a non-centralized exchange where banks, businesses, governments, investors and traders can trade currencies with one another. By "non-centralized" I mean there is no actual physical centralized exchange like the New York Stock Exchange or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Instead, trading is conducted "over the counter", which basically just means it's done without the aid of a central or physical exchange. The Forex currency market is also referred to as the ‘Fx market', the ‘Currency market', the ‘Foreign exchange currency', or simply as Forex.

What is Forex Trading?

FOREX trading involves trading currencies from different countries against each other. Essentially, you are speculating on the direction of the price of one currency relative to another currency. For example, if you think the British pound is going to rise against the U.S. dollar, you would buy the GBP/USD currency pair. When you buy the GBP/USD, you are selling U.S. dollars and buying British pounds at the same time, if the British pound strengthens relative to the U.S. dollar it will make the GBP/USD pair go up and you would make a profit. If you bought the U.S. dollar against the British pound, and the GBP/USD went up still, you would lose money because the dollars you bought lost value relative to the pound.

As FOREX traders, we can learn to trade the Forex market by learning an effective trading strategy to spot high-probability entries into the market. This gives us an "edge" to trade the market with that we can profit from if we let it play out over a large series of trades. There are other reasons that people would make transactions in the Forex market too, such as to exchange currency to that of a different country while traveling. Banks and businesses also frequently use the Foreign exchange currency market to facilitate international business, and governments use it to regulate the strength of their currency relative to that of another country.

Forex Market Hours

The Forex market is open 24 hours a day, 5.5 days a week. The heaviest trading centers are located in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris and Sydney. One of the great things about forex trading is that the market is open from about 5pm local time on Sunday to about 4:30pm local time on Friday; you can trade whenever you want during these hours. This means more opportunities and more flexibility with your daily schedule.

How can YOU participate in the Forex market?

You are probably reading this article because you are interested in retail FOREX trading; this means you are looking to profit by buying and selling currencies in the Forex market. You will need to first learn an effective trading strategy; this will provide you with your edge, which you will then use to spot high-probability entries into the market. You will then need to create a Forextrading plan around your chosen strategy; this will give you a guide to follow so that you don't end up gambling and trading emotionally. There's a lot more to becoming a successful trader than that, but you have a good idea now of how to get started. Also, remember that risk management in forex trading is key; never risk more than you are prepared to lose per trade. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Best Automated Forex Trading System

Forex is used in daily trading of goods and exports. With globalization, money is transferred or exchanged into other currency for payment and receivables. Out of all the major player, there is 1 type of investment in forex that gain profit and this group of profiteers are forex trader. This is a similar class as a stock and share trader except the purchase is currency instead of the company shares.

Why Forex?

My main reason for writing this is to show the automated Forex trading. But before I touch on automation, I need to explain why Forex is chosen. Trading can be performed 24 hours a day (vs stocks which is 8 to 5 usually) and can perform sell trade. Most investment instruments can only buy first then sell. For Forex trading. It can do sell first then buy. Unlike many other stock exchange in the world, shares have to have a buyer and a seller then the shares can change hands. For Forex, since it is largely connects into a pool of currency demand and supply, you can almost instantly buy without having to wait for seller. Most important of all is that it wont bankrupt, reach zero value or translate into worthless paper. Because you are using currency to buy currency and that it self is the assets you be holding.

How to profit from Forex

Before automation is possible, likewise for stock trader, foreign exchange are traded manually by trader. Currency are buy and sell with human involvement. The price will raise and fall. The main aim is to profit by buying low and selling high. Basic mathematics applies. But with the turn of the century comes computing and programming, this change and evolve investment. This includes traders in the foreign exchange community.

Automated Passive Income

With automation of the trading strategy which execute trades for you according to your programs. Steams of passive income is made possible using MT4 trading platform. Expert advisor are program that run on your computer which trades for you automatically. You only need to setup a trading account and run your Expert Advisor program to enable passive income. Personally I have use it to achieve monthly income without having to look at trading chart all the time. But I still manual trade when I see some news that will leak to drastically drop in currency price.

Can this be sustainable in the long run?

Definitely you still need to monitor every now and then. Pick up those bad trades and add in new profitable strategy. Some trading strategies are especially profitable in trending market or sideways market. While others are reversal and martingale trading. And lately popular ones are scalping strategy. Be side monitoring your program, you need to keep in mind money management and margin call. Always keep enough capital for draw down (strategy maximum drawdown) and your margin required for trades (trading account leverage). As a recommendation always use 10% of your capital to buy and hold margin for your Forex trades.

I wrote many articles on the different strategy and have created many Expert Advisors using combination of different trading strategies. Refer to my website for more information. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Basic Programming for MT4 Forex Trading

With programming, Forex Trader can put their winning strategy into programming codes and run on MT4 trading platform to let the computer trades automatically. This is make possible using MQL or metaquotes languages to write and compile using metaeditor into executable ex files which are called expert advisor to run on MT4 trading account.

The programming is similar to C with declaration of variables, logic comparision and executing of files and functions.


MQL4 comes with various data types namely integer, Boolean, character, string, float, color and date & time. You can create local variable can using the standard declaration like int, double, string, etc. For global variables, you have to declare the variables before int start(). To have your variable available and value retained after program ended, use static variable declaration by static int, static double, etc

Standard Constants

It comes with many standard constant that you can use which is already predefine by the program. One of the most important standard constants are timeframe which comes with PERIOD_M1, PERIOD_M5, PERIOD_M15, PERIOD_M30, PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H4, PERIOD_D1, PERIOD_W1 and PERIOD_MN1. This is useful in defining the currency chart to use for technical indicator trigger. Next is the OrderSend() function which uses trade operations constant OP_BUY, OP_SELL, OP_BUYLIMIT, OP_SELLLIMT, OP_BUTSTOP and OP_SELLSTOP which covers all the 6 different trade execution. The last importance standard constant is price related which is PRICE_CLOSE, PRICE_OPEN, PRICE_HIGH and PRICE_LOW which is often used in technical charting.

Predefined Variables

Ask, Bars, Bid, Close, Digits, High, Low, Open, Point and Time are widely use thru out the programming codes. When comparing currency price, Ask, Bid, Close, Open, High and Low are often called for operand operation. Bars is used when counting the number of bars in the selected currency chart. Point is the current symbol point value in the quote currency and Digits is the number after decimal point for the current symbol price. Both are used to compute stop loss, profit take, buy and sell price.

Account Information

This is a group of function which provided important information about your trading account and is used for computing trading lots and money management system including calculating of margin and balance. The often used function are AccountBalance, AccountFreeMargin, AccountLeverage, AccountMargin and AccountProfit. You need to input some margin requirement and usually I use minimum 200% margin requirement for max open lots using account leverage for maximum drawdown to avoid margin call.

Date and Time Functions

The widely used functions are DayOfWeek to get the Monday to Sunday of the date, Hour and minute for time and Seconds for looping. If your strategy is time constraint, meaning it only run during 2 to 4 am and only on Monday to Wednesday, this group of function is definitely the ones that you called to compare and execute codes.

Technical Indicators

This is the most important functions you be calling if you are using technical charting to execute trading rules. The common indicator that I used are iMA which is moving average simple/exponential/linear weighted calculation, iRSI which is Relative Strength Index, iMACD which is Moving Average Convergence/Diverage, iBands which is Bollinger Bands, iCCI which is Commodity Channel Index, iStochastic which is Stochastic Oscillator and iADX which is Movement Directional Index.

Trading Functions

This is required for any trading to be successful. The widely used trade function are OrderSend, OrderSelect, OrderClose and OrderModify. You may refer to MQL4 documentation for more information of the various functions. And refer to my website for more software offers with ready to use program codes. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Greece expresses concern € price below the mark of $ 1.30

Greece expresses concern € price below the mark of $ 1.30


The high level of political uncertainty in Greece has the value of the euro ( dollar down) on Wednesday under the mark of 1.30 U.S. dollars. The European single currency was last traded in New York with U.S. $ 1.29455. The European Central Bank (ECB) had been on the exchange rate 1.2950 (Tuesday: 1.3025) U.S. dollars set. The dollar cost to 0.7722 (0.7678) €. In Asian trading, the euro had not traded above the mark of 1.30 dollars.

“The difficult situation in Greece is the euro heavily loaded,” said Thomas Amend, currency expert at the bank HSBC Trinkaus. Related Coverage Real Below Wholesale Laptops Use holiday graphics on your web site, order, and product pages. This gives your pages a comfy vacation feel and gets customers in the "mood" for holiday searching once they visit your site. It is a known truth that many businessmen can rise from the once effects of liquidation and is ready to succeed by using the teachings learned throughout the method of liquidation. Greece Vacations Going on holiday or vacation is one of the most anticipated events of the year. If you are planning your next trip why not consider Greece.

Greece is famous for hosting the Olympics, but they also have many other things to offer visitors, including science, drama, philosophy, and art. Fifteen million tourists take a Greece vacation every single year. Cars below Rs 5 lakh price range Indian auto market is one of the fastest growing in world and all segment cars are available here. Along with domestic auto makers, popular overseas car makers are selling their popular small cars in India. Discover Delphi Greece DELPHI ON GOD'S FOOTPRINTS Welcome to "The Navel of the World", to Delphi. One of the most important tourist destinations in the world which every year attracts more than 2.000.000 visitors.

An historic place which has been announced by UNESCO as a place of Worldwide Cultural Heritage.Since the elections, the proponents of negotiated austerity package with international creditors no longer a majority in parliament. “A successful formation of a government is not expected in the markets,” said Amend. The European equity markets and bond markets in the Euro-crisis countries were mid-week under great pressure. More and more experts are expecting a withdrawal of Greece from the monetary union.

Meanwhile, Greece was given the commitment of €-crisis fund EFSF to maintain despite the uncertainty over the future government of the next international aid payment. Of the loan installment of 5.2 billion euros to 4.2 billion euros already paid tomorrow, Thursday. Published On: Thu, May 10th, 2012Forex newsGreece expresses concern € price below the mark of $ 1.30 


The high level of political uncertainty in Greece has the value of the euro ( dollar down) on Wednesday under the mark of 1.30 U.S. dollars. The European single currency was last traded in New York with U.S. $ 1.29455. The European Central Bank (ECB) had been on the exchange rate 1.2950 (Tuesday: 1.3025) U.S. dollars set. The dollar cost to 0.7722 (0.7678) €. In Asian trading, the euro had not traded above the mark of 1.30 dollars.

“The difficult situation in Greece is the euro heavily loaded,” said Thomas Amend, currency expert at the bank HSBC Trinkaus. Since the elections, the proponents of negotiated austerity package with international creditors no longer a majority in parliament. “A successful formation of a government is not expected in the markets,” said Amend. The European equity markets and bond markets in the Euro-crisis countries were mid-week under great pressure. More and more experts are expecting a withdrawal of Greece from the monetary union.

Meanwhile, Greece was given the commitment of €-crisis fund EFSF to maintain despite the uncertainty over the future government of the next international aid payment. Of the loan installment of 5.2 billion euros to 4.2 billion euros already paid tomorrow, Thursday. source.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Pros of Automated Forex Trading

With the ever increasing amount of mathematical indicators in the foreign exchange market, the capacity and capability that a trader needs to have in order to process information is also becoming deficient, not to mention that these traders also need to do things outside of the forex trading zone. Luckily, since these indicators are mathematical, there is no problem in using computers for doing the job.

In fact, it is their specialty, hence the name of computers. This is what automated forex trading programs are meant to do. They are designed to execute several strategies according to the mathematical indicators that they are programmed to follow. All of these can be done by the program without the owner of the account having to tweak almost anything at all. Now, with this kind of high-powered processing capability and convenience, what else are the advantages of using this kind of strategic tool?

One of the major advantages that attracted the users of automated forex trading programs is its high capability to process very complex mathematical information. Give it whatever indicators, Fibonacci retracing, intermarket data, volume and volatility analysis, pivot points, and whatever else; a forex autotrading program can handle that. Although of course, such mathematical processing can also be done by a human trader, a computer does all of this process within a much shorter time.

This kind of efficiency saves the trader the precious time to do many other things, a very invaluable resource for those who understand. Moreover, since a computer is immune against one of the human factor that plague so many traders, emotion. With only the pure rationality of a computer, it will fully rely on its computations without having to be affected by fear, greed, or pressure. This is a major advantage especially for very crucial times in trading.

Now, if you are still new to automated forex trading programs, you might be scared by the possibility that you may no longer have any control over your trading account. As for that, you don't really have to worry much; these programs can be setup where you still have influence over the activities of your account. You can also customize the trading tendencies of your program depending on your own tendencies as well. The indicators that will be used by the program can also be adjusted by including or excluding those that you think are significant, and those that you think are useless. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Best Ways of Buying Iraq Dinars

In present times many people all around the world are interested in making investments in foreign exchange. Buying foreign exchange may be a hobby for some while for others it may be way of investment. No matter what the reason may be it is important to have complete knowledge in this regard before investing. Today, investment in Buying Iraq Dinars has gained immense popularity and more and more people are ready to buy dinars due to its low value which is expected to rise in future.

In fact there are many websites on the internet where you can buy as well as sell Dinar. If you are interested in Buying Iraq Dinars it is advisable to search for a trustworthy and reliable source because buying Iraq money is very easy but the problem arises when you want to sell it. There are high chances that you may get cheated. Therefore, while dealing in Dinar you have to be very careful.

Before Buying Iraq Dinars online it is very important to consider few things. They are: firstly, you will have to check whether the website is registered as Money Service Business (MSB) under U.S. Treasury Department. You should also verify whether the dealer is registered under the U.S. Treasury Department or not. They should also follow all the rules and regulations th at have been laid down by the U.S. Treasury as well as comply with U.S. Patriot Act Regulations and OFAC. If all this is done then the dealers can be considered authentic otherwise they should not be allowed to indulge in Buying Iraq Dinars as well as their selling.

Before Buying Iraq Dinars you should also check whether the dealer has a clean record with Better Business Bureau or not. Clean record with this institution is dependent on customer satisfaction and industry experience. Therefore, it is always advisable to buy Dinars from those dealers who have best records. Further, if you are buying Iraq money through an agent then you must make sure that he is authentic. It should be noted that for avoiding falling into a fraud it is always recommended buy Dinar from a source that is reliable and trustworthy.

In this way you will be able to gain good returns by Buying Iraq Dinars now and selling them later as it is predicted by the financial analysts and economists that the economic and political condition of Iraq will improve in future leading to a rise in the value of Dinar. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

History Of The Stock Market Tips

Stock market is very difficult to understand but better analysis can reduce this problem then stock tips providers can make good relation with clients in terms of performance. Competition is the part of business but survival makes you stay alive.


I searched on Google but I didn't find the proper archives about the financial advisories that provide stock tips. When they come in this business. But people said they have started this new idea like giving calls and tips for traders from 4-5 years.

Ways to make Clients:

They usually purchased the database for getting contact numbers of traders. E-marketing is also another way to get clients. Some time reference works i.e. they take contact details from their client also. Social networking media play a vital role to get contacts. Facebook, ibibo, linkedin, shtyle.fm and many more things are available to get contacts.

Working Style:

There is process to accomplish the task. Firstly, they make a contact with clients. When clients get convinced they provide stock tips as per their accuracy and segment in which client's trade. Pricing is differing to every segment like cash, future and option, MCX, NCDEX, and Currency. They provide follow ups to their clients on each stock tips so that trader can get profit and mitigate the losses. There are some points which describe the functional way.

Positive approach- Some companies always give proper follow ups for stock tips and when trader should enter in the giving calls they inform them. They always try to maintain their accuracy on monthly or daily basis. It depends upon their strategy. Some offer like above 90% accuracy and more.Negative approach- After giving stock tips and receive payment from the clients they avoid them even clients are getting losses.Crossbreed approach- its combination of both discussed approach. It depends upon the clients and what is relation between company and clients. If clients paid on time that doesn't irritate them, it makes perfect relation and profit for the clients.

Present circumstances:

Now a day's stock tips providers are facing tuff competitions in the market for their survival. Every 10th company is advisory in stock market. If you know analysis and how to play with market then you can even become stock tips provider. The worse thing about the market is every trader wants minimal service charges and 100% accuracy.

Advisories that firstly entered in the market and have a strong monopoly in this area, they are not concentrating on accuracy and proper client services, new traders firstly prefer the renowned tips provider. Presently every day, a new provider is taking birth and giving competition to others. This market is not like big fish swallows small fish.

Expectations and Fear about the future:

Strategy makes you winner in every field. Strategy is about planning and implementation.

Strategy is applying by the companies is not fruitful in near future. If they want to make presence in stock market, they have to plan new thing with proper implementation.

We are expecting new ideas from stock tips provider so trader cannot be moved from this way to services to another's. There are more market players but new ideas will make them competitive. Traders are also expecting that there will be more accurate stock tips so that they can make profit. There will be more ways to deliver stock tips based on different analysis. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

What is the Forex Base Currency?

To the uninitiated, the Forex market can be difficult to understand. It can seem as though people who are "in the know" are speaking in a different language and in many ways they are. To be successful in Forex trading, it's important to learn the speak the language. To do that, there are a few terms you'll need to understand. One of these terms is the forex base currency.

To undestand the Forex base currency, you will first need to gain an understanding of another term: "currency pair." The quotation and pricing structure of all of the currencies traded in the Forex market today are based on currency pairs. The first currency listed in the pair is known as the Forex base currency and the second is known as the quote currency. When shown together, the currency pair shows how much one would need of the quote currency to purchase one unit of the base currency.

Forex trades involve the simultaneous buying and selling of currency. When one currency is bought, another is sold. However, and this is where many people get confused, the currency pair (the Forex base currency plus the quote currency) should be viewed as a single unit. When one buys a currency pair, they are essentially buying the base currency using the quote currency. The quote currency, thereForex, is sold and the base currency is bought. Inversely, when you sell your currency pair, you are selling the base currency and receiving the quote currency. When you see an "ask" or selling price listed for a currency pair, price represents the amount you will receive in the quote currency when you sell one unit of the base currency.

Let's look at a concrete example to illustrate these concepts. Let's say there is a USD/EUR currency pair quoted as having an ask of 1.3. If you were to purchase this currency pair, for every 1.3 euros you sell, you receive 1 US dollar. In reverse, if you were to sell the currency pair, you would receive 1.3 euros for every US dollar you sold. Note that in the second example, the currency pair would be EUR/USD (with the Forex base currency being the euro in this case) and the quote currency would be the dollar.

In most cases in the Forexx market, the US dollar is consider the Forexx base currency. When you look at a quote, you should think of it as an indication of the worth of one US dollar in the other (quote) currency. When the US dollar is the Forexx base currency and the quote goes up that essentially means that the value of the US dollar has bolstered against the other currency and the other currency has, thereForex, gone down in value against the American dollar. There are exceptions to this, however.

In currency pairs where the base currency is the British pound or the Australian dollar, a rising quote is an indication that the US dollar is weakening and will thereForex buy less of the of the other currency. No matter what the Forexx base currency is, the rule is this: if the quote goes higher, the base currency is gaining strength If a quote goes down, the base currency is losing ground. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

How to use Effective Money Management in Currency Trading

First let’s discuss about management. It is an on going process that manages your resources efficiently. For Forex trading, money management is about sizing your trading lots, margin call and risk you can handle with your limited capital.

In order to practice effective money management, you need to know 2 things. First is your capital that is used to trade. Second is the leverage of your account. The trades are mention here default 100k full contract at 1 lot. Mini lots are 0.1 for 10k contract.

Capital: Your Forex Trading fund

Every forex trader will need to have capital as funding to trade forex. Since it is the currency market, your have to fund in money into your trading account and use it as a capital for Forex trading. Related Coverage Currency Trading If you are a beginner to online currency trading, then you will have to do some research into what online currency trading is all about. Online currency trading is not gambling but you need to know what the investment is and how it works before you consider trading.

Currency trading in india forex trading in india is still at nascent stage due to strict rules of reserve bank of india not trade in foreign currency and lack of suffucient software platform and knowledge from broking firms Automated Foreign Currency Trading A lot of of them permit anyone to make use of them and they claim which the person could make thousands of money just about every working day. How is all of this real? Effectively, together with the p... Automated Currency Trading Currency Trading Training Course Most people are just starting to wonder just what exactly is the thing called about professional expert advisor trading forex automatically? With all the talks on forums pertaining to the software the...

The default currency is usually United State Dollar. But it you use Great Britain Pound or Europe Euro, the trades will automatically convert to the currency that you buy or sell using the broker exchange rate. Example if you are default using USD in your trading account and you buy EURGBP, your USD will be converted to EUR and use that to buy GBP. (USD * exchange rate of EUR * exchange rate of GBP) to buy 1 lot of EURGBP. This will be the amount that will be used to buy and will show as holding equity in your trading account summary. The margin will be depending on your leverage which is the next section.

Leverage and trading account.

If you have a leverage account of 100:1, buying 1 lot at 100k contract, you will need to have $1k holding capital. This is using USD as a basis. So if you are buying EURGBP, your $1k will multiply by exchange rate of USDEUR and EURGBP. Notice that the exchange rate is usually quoted in EURUSD, so you need to convert is to USDEUR by dividing it over numeration 1. So you may be required to have $1.8k USD to execute this buy 1 lot trade. As you can see, buy currency that is much more higher exchange rate then your default currency you will need more capital. But the profit and loss will also increase due to this. Meaning if your trade win 100 pips from selling of EURGBP, your profit will be $1.8k (higher then $1k profit USD as default). This is a double edge sword. Losses appied. (Am not taking into account swap).

With the above 2 values, you can easily calculate the capital you need. But what is your minimum level or capital that needed to handle losses and drawdown? When we talk about drawdown is referring to the maximum drawdown for unrealized loss that your trading account will not margin call out. Example if your trading is set to stop loss of 100 pips and maximum drawdown is 4 lots, so effectively your capital must be able to take 500 pips of losses before you profit can come back. For a full 100k contract that would be $5k for USD default. As a rule of thumb, taking into account highest exchange rate for USD to other currency, 10% rule applies. This is taking into account that your loss does not go beyond 500pips. If it does, use 0.2 to 0.5 lots trading instead. This will bring down your 10% to 2% or 5% respectively.

This is the portion where many traders did not estimate when running expert advisor. If your combined expert advisor gives 1000 pips maximum drawdown, you have to take into account this -1000 pips into your money management. source.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Characteristic Features of finest options trading software

The main features looked into the options trading software which makes it possible to get the best results from the first day of investment; you should buy software that is popular and making investor's path easier. Options trading are good platform for investors as they can earn money through the best strategy plans looked into while putting the money on stocks. It has been a famous plan to go with, most of the time we feel down as nothing special happening in terms of investment and we are not getting the returns.

Options trading software is quite a handful application to keep your trading scenario successful, it is good for those investors looking for some support online, you don't have to put the money on brokerage as options trading software easily solve your issues. It has been good resource for all the people wising to learn from the winning strategy. Most amazing feature that has to be incorporated in options trading software will be the complete analysis of the stocks, there should be an option to look into the details about the name we are going to invest money on.

If we are using options trading software then it may prove good if the calculated risks are mentioned while developing auto generated strategy by application, you should look for complete analysis of the stocks which are regarded as the best source of income and investors are gaining huge profits by means of those brands. For better assessment of the plans you should verify the details with online support sites where from data can be restored to our computer.

While looking for exciting features in an options trading software, look mainly for the convenient methods to perform your investment and there should be simple language to understand each term effortlessly. If your software application is designed for beginners then it is really good tutorial for all new comers in the market, for experts some advance versions of the applications are launched which are typical and cant be understood by learners.

Most of the times we fail to select good software for options trading and that is the main reason behind our frequent losses. It is the good time to gather a well designed software application that will easily manage your online trading account and make it possible to develop new strategy each day.

In case you are using options trading software, there is no need of binary options brokers, as the decision on stocks can be made without assistance. Binary options brokers are helpful while you are making good amount of money and can easily pay for the service, in the beginning you should invest more and start learning with the strategy developed by options trading software. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Hоw Tо Start Trading Thе Forex Market?


Th? Foreign Exchange market (also referred t? ?? th? Forex ?r FX market) ?? th? largest financial market ?n th? world, w?th ?v?r $1.5 trillion changing hands ?v?r? day.

Th?t ?? larger th?n ?ll US equity ?nd Treasury markets combined!

Unl?k? ?th?r financial markets th?t operate ?t ? centralized location (i.e. stock exchange), th? worldwide Forex market h?? n? central location. It ?? ? global electronic network ?f banks, financial institutions ?nd individual traders, ?ll involved ?n th? buying ?nd selling ?f national currencies. An?th?r major feature ?f th? Forex market ?? th?t ?t operates 24 hours ? day, ??rr????nd?ng t? th? opening ?nd closing ?f financial centers ?n countries ?ll ??r??? th? world, starting ???h day ?n Sydney, th?n Tokyo, London ?nd N?w York. At ?n? time, ?n ?n? location, th?r? ?r? buyers ?nd sellers, making th? Forex market th? m??t liquid market ?n th? world.

Traditionally, access t? th? Forex market h?? b??n m?d? ?v??l?bl? ?nl? t? banks ?nd ?th?r large financial institutions. W?th advances ?n technology ?v?r th? years, however, th? Forex market ?? n?w ?v??l?bl? t? everybody, fr?m banks t? money managers t? individual traders trading retail accounts. Th? time t? g?t involved ?n th?? exciting, global market h?? n?v?r b??n b?tt?r th?n now. Open ?n account ?nd b???m? ?n active player ?n th? largest market ?n th? planet.

Th? Forex Market ?? v?r? d?ff?r?nt th?n trading currencies ?n th? futures market, ?nd ? lot easier, th?n trading stocks ?r commodities.

Wh?th?r ??u ?r? aware ?f ?t ?r not, ??u ?lr??d? play ? role ?n th? Forex market. Th? simple fact th?t ??u h?v? money ?n ??ur pocket m?k?? ??u ?n investor ?n currency, ??rt??ul?rl? ?n th? US Dollar. B? holding US Dollars, ??u h?v? elected n?t t? hold th? currencies ?f ?th?r nations. Y?ur purchases ?f stocks, bonds ?r ?th?r investments, ?l?ng w?th money deposited ?n ??ur bank account, represent investments th?t rely heavily ?n th? integrity ?f th? v?lu? ?f th??r denominated currency th? US Dollar. Due t? th? changing v?lu? ?f th? US Dollar ?nd th? resulting fluctuations ?n exchange rates, ??ur investments m?? change ?n value, affecting ??ur ?v?r?ll financial status. W?th th?? ?n mind, ?t ?h?uld b? n? surprise th?t m?n? investors h?v? t?k?n advantage ?f th? fluctuation ?n Exchange Rates, u??ng th? volatility ?f th? Foreign Exchange market ?? ? w?? t? increase th??r capital.

Example: suppose ??u h?d $1000 ?nd bought Euros wh?n th? exchange rate w?? 1.50 Euros t? th? dollar. Y?u w?uld th?n h?v? 1500 Euros. If th? v?lu? ?f Euros ?g??n?t th? US dollar increased th?n ??u w?uld sell (exchange) ??ur Euros f?r dollars ?nd h?v? m?r? dollars th?n ??u started with.


Y?u m?ght ??? th? following:

EUR/USD l??t trade 1.5000 means On? Euro ?? worth $1.50 US dollars.

Th? f?r?t currency (in th?? example, th? EURO) ?? referred t? ?? th? base currency ?nd th? ????nd (/USD) ?? th? counter ?r quote currency.

Th? FOREX plays ? vital role ?n th? world economy ?nd th?r? w?ll ?lw??? b? ? tremendous n??d f?r th? exchange ?f currencies. International trade increases ?? technology ?nd communication increases. A? long ?? th?r? ?? international trade, th?r? w?ll b? ? FOREX market. Th? FX market h?? t? exist ?? ? country l?k? Germany ??n sell products ?n th? United States ?nd b? ?bl? t? receive Euros ?n exchange f?r US Dollar.


Risks ?f currency trading

Margined currency trading ?? ?n extremely risky form ?f investment ?nd ?? ?nl? suitable f?r individuals ?nd institutions capable ?f handling th? potential losses ?t entails. An account w?th ?n broker ?ll?w? ??u t? trade foreign currencies ?n ? highly leveraged basis (up t? ?b?ut 400 times ??ur account equity).The funds ?n ?n account th?t ?? trading ?t maximum leverage m?? b? completely lost ?f th? position(s) held ?n th? account experiences ?v?n ? ?n? percent swing ?n value. G?v?n th? possibility ?f losing one's entire investment, speculation ?n th? foreign exchange market ?h?uld ?nl? b? conducted w?th risk capital funds that, ?f lost, w?ll n?t significantly affect th? investors financial well-being. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

3 easy ways to better your currency trading results

#1 Discipline: Stick to your trading rules

You must never get emotion while trading as it will cause you to loss money in trading. For example if you execute a trade with is trending but just minutes after the trades, the currency price went against you and you went into losses. You may have losses that goes as low as -100pips (assume your stop loss is 150pips), do not panic and close your trade early to cut losses. Always stick to your trading rules. Hold onto the trade and let the trend ride out.

Like wise, if you execute a trade and the trend just go crazy and hit 100 pips profit. Do not be temped to close the trade and get the profit (assume your profit take is 200 pips). For fear of losing before the trade hit the profit target, you may just close the trade. Related Coverage An easy way to implement multi-currencies Have you ever imagine supporting multi-currencies for your online business? Well, it will depends on the nature of your business and how you would like to server your customer.

There is no definite answer that the multi-currencies feature can make your online business a big success or an organic growth. However, at least this feature will make your online business more presented because they may s The Way To Trade Currency There are a nice deal of sources on the Internet that teach you how one can trade Forex. When you use one of many Web search engines to locate some free Foreign exchange assets you could be amazed on the variety of search results that you will notice throughout the fraction of a second.

Automated Currency Trading Currency Trading Training Course Most people are just starting to wonder just what exactly is the thing called about professional expert advisor trading forex automatically? With all the talks on forums pertaining to the software the... Forex Currency Trading Open a Live Forex Currency Trading Account at Tradeviewforex.com risk free and without hassle. Our easy to use Foreign Currency Trading application will have you trading with Forex within minutes... More information by clicking in the linkDo not be over joy and close the trade. Stick to the trading rules and let the trade hit the profit level by itself. You may end up missing the profit that you should if you let emotion affect you. Be discipline always.

#2 Money management

This is the most important factor to every forex trader that is actively trading the currency market. Due to the leverage of forex trading as compare to conventional stock and shares, the leverage of currency in forex is 100:1. By saying this, using 100K contract or equivalent of buying 1 lot of normal trade, which is 100 x $1k of equivalent of currency value. In relative calculation, 1 pip which is 4 decimal for United State Dollar give you $10 per pip. (Assuming flat exchange rate for simplicity). With a trading account of 100:1 leverage, You need to spend $1k to buy and hold onto 1 lot at 100k contract.

The above is simple to calculate by just taking the leverage of your trading account setting. The tricky part is the margin calculation. Taking the same example, if the currency goes up by 100 pips, you will gain $1k unrealized profit. But if the currency does down -100 pips, you will loss $1k unrealized loss. So if you only have 2k capital in your trading account, your account would hit margin call (1k+1k=2k). The trade would be faced to close by your forex broker and you will hit losses. So it very risky to trade with zero stoploss.

For me, by rule of thumb, I will use 10% of capital to trade, by calculation, you would have 900 pips to play with. (this applied to leverage 100 or 200 or 500:1 because leverage only reduce your initial 1k holding to $200. Since your contract is still 100k contract, the pips loss and profit remain the same. So stick to using 10% or less of your capital to trade). Instead of increase your capital, you can use mini lot or 0.1 lot for 100k contract. This will reduce your holding to $100 (using the above example).

#3 Review all trade: Keep a trading journal.

Good consistent trader always keeps a trading journal. Winning trades and losing trades are review consistently for flaws and good trigger setup. As all trades are executed using setup triggers, always have a habit of trying out different variation of the setup trigger. Example could be Simple moving average, you may find at period of 20 SMA cross over 50 SMA at 1 hour trading chart, always give you an accurate signal to execute a buy trade for EURUSD during early morning hours, and over 10 trades, you hit 7 winning trades. You can apply this together with another set of trigger rules to make your winning rates higher and consistent.

There are many indicatora which can assist in getting better trading results. Please visit my website for more information. source.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Forex Trading Signals: Never Letting the Opportune Moment Pass You By

If you're planning to enter Forex trading, you're going to need few tools in your arsenal to succeed like forex trading signals. There have been many changes to the Forex market and one of these is that individuals like you can now enter into the trade. The beauty of Forex opening up to small investors such as yourself is that tools are at your disposal. Before, it's usually just the larger financial institutions that have the means to make the determination about what the right move is in the market. But now, you also have that capability.

Basically, with Forex trading signals, you'll get a good picture of how the market is going and how the currencies that you're trading in are going to be sold or bought. You now have a chance of making it big in Forex trading with the help of the tools like software and other implements that give you trading signals. Related Coverage Forex Trading Signals Review Most signals software and robots are based on technical analysis and thus, there is no consideration of the volatility that a market economic news event can cause. With this new technology, the trader gets the news right into the chart. This prevents the trader from losses due to news hitting the market and interfering with trades.

Traders can optionally stop trading and stop getting signals befor Honest Forex Signals Review With Honest Forex Signals you are provided daily email and SMS signals. You have access to their live trading room during both the London and New York sessions. In addition you get a EA trade copier software to run on your MetaTrader 4 platform. Nikon Coolpix L18 Never Lets Moments Pass By This little Nikon Coolpix L18 camera is a power house that comes packed with the most exciting features in a point and shoot camera. Forex Trading Entry Signals Recently I noticed some volatility with real USD / AUD currency.

Like most game animals, such as traders, our eye is always attracted by the movement. I saw some opportunity, so I recently was the formulation of input and output signal of this pair in particular.It's true that you must know enough and you must have enough experience about Forex before you can really make a profit but the trading signals increases your money making potential. If you usually get confused while looking at the data and oftentimes misinterpreted it as the time to sell, Forex trading signal will help you think twice about making that move.

You can get your Forex trading signals for free from specific providers or you can pay a little bit of a fee for this technology. Either way you go, if you make sure that your signals come from a reliable source, you'll be raking in the dough at the Forex market. It doesn't matter what trading system you're on in Forex, as long as you have these tools, you can make it work. Know when it's the right time to go ahead and sell or when it's time to buy with the use of Forex trading signals. source.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

How Can the Best Forex Affiliate Status Be Achieved for Better Profits?

Plenty of websites are competing among each other to be the best forex affiliate, thereby increasing the competition in this format of forex business. People have by now known about the potential of becoming an affiliate for a forex trading platform. By becoming an affiliate, one can earn good amount of income through commissions and this will take them to the level where they can generate traffic for the parent site.

Forex platforms are getting into demand these days because it allows the investors to get a strong platform to carry on their trading activities. So people are not leaving any stone unturned for the business and are looking at all the types of indicators and tools apart from the reviews and analysis about the forex market. They keep on searching for such accessories to make their investments better.

The work of the forex affiliates is to promote such services and products among the people so that they can take up the services and carry out their trading activities. To become an affiliate, there are not much of requirements, except that there is the need of a website and little knowledge about the forex promotions in the internet.

People can then start their own business by becoming a part of the best forex affiliate program. They will have to promote the products of the platforms and entice people to join them for their forex trading. This is done by publishing articles, promoting the products and services, telling people about the indicators and tools that are present in the platform and doing such things which will bring the platform into the notice of the potential customers. To do this, the websites have to be prepared in a manner that will attract the customers and the best forex affiliate is able to do so without any serious work.

As the craze of forex trading increases among the general public, this kind of business is going to become a leading part of the broad forex arena. People will only need to showcase the good parts of the platform to the public and they will start entering the best forex affiliate for getting into the platforms or for buying products such as indicators and tools. In turn, the affiliates get the commission from the platforms and this is gradually becoming a good source of income.

With a slight effort and knowledge about internet promotions, people will be able to get good amounts of return, where the investments are almost negligible. Plenty of people are eyeing to become the best forex affiliate and for this they are searching for the best forex affiliate program so that it will be easier for internet promotion and people will be attracted towards their sites. The money being a factor for such a business, the growth of the forex market has further added to the enthusiasm of people. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Discover How to Use Crosses to Trade the Majors

As much as the introduction of cross currency pairs has led to more trade opportunities in the foreign exchange market, trading them may be a daunting task to average traders. Crosses normally experience lower trading volume as compared with the major currency pairs and thus liquidity may be a problem when trading them. In addition, since the cross currency pairs represent countries with smaller economies, the volatility experienced by their prices would also be minimal.

 As such, it is better to analyze crosses to trade the majors. Even if you are not willing to trade crosses, you can study their price movements with the intention of identifying potential trade opportunities in the major currency pairs. Crosses provide an idea of the relative strength of a particular currency pair in the foreign exchange market.

 For instance, if you identify a buy opportunity on the EUR/USD and a sell opportunity on the USD/JPY at the same time, you may have problems choosing the one to go for. Some traders experienced in multiple position trading may go for both opportunities. However, it is recommended to choose one which offers the highest profit potential.

In order to make the correct decision on which currency to go for, you would look at the price action on EUR/JPY cross. If the trend of the EUR/JPY is going down, then it implies that the Japanese yen is somewhat stronger than the euro at the moment. Therefore, you would go for the sell opportunity on the USD/JPY rather than the buy opportunity on the EUR/USD because of yen's relative strength against the euro.

Because the euro is weaker as compared to the yen at the moment, if it starts to strengthen against the United States dollar, it is expected to strengthen less than the yen. Therefore, if the United States dollar becomes weak across the board, then you can harvest more profits from a short position in the USD/JPY than a long position in the EUR/USD.

If you are not very confident as to which currency pairs you should be trading, you can look at the crosses to help you in making the right decision. After you are able to master how crosses perform in the market, you can have an edge in your trading. You can easily identify profitable trade opportunities, regardless of the pair. Specifically, you can analyze crosses to identify good trade opportunities in the majors. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.