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Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Exchange rate forex – Save More Money With Safety Trading Plan

 Money Management can be defined with bulk of methods which is used by Forex traders to handle RRR (Risk/Reward Ratio) and other methods will prevent them from losing all your money in the beginning.

By using a stop loss you can simply control many lose on each trade. The definition of Money Management is therefore quite simple – safety of your funds. Your money you are already having for the game is most important money, so don't forget this point. There is some risk with some money for making more profits, but Money Management can maximize profits with little risk.

After establishing a trading plan you should practice, using some simulator or demo account. You definitely need a good trading plan. Search for the best Forex trading systems and once finding them simply setup your trading demo account. Some of the things should be followed and exactly this:

Logon every trade and check all the orders like entry, stop loss, targets, etc.After logging 30 trades go back and search for the highest risk trades – trades with large stop loss when compared to the smallest potential return (RRR).Create some rules which will minimize the drawdown potential.Test them on new set of 30 trades.When getting better results then implement into your trading plan.

Evaluate your Forex Money Management techniques wisely for every 100 trades for perfection. There is a way to participate profitably without having to learn complex formulas.

Buy with a minimum ‘delta' of.80 — call option | -.80 — put option:

1. The delta is simple option premium which is likely to move relative to the movement of the underlying stock. Have the option to move as closely as possible. If you are wrong you can cut the losses and reexamine your trading plan from the safety of the sidelines. If you are right it doesn't take much – about a fifty cent movement to get into a profitable situation.

2. Compare open interest between calls:

Open account forex :Unsuspecting traders load on cheap options is an opportunity. They fail to notice the overwhelming open interest which associated with a particular option. Open interest is a good indication of sentiment and since the crowd is usually wrong and it is a great opportunity for sellers to profit. Excessive open interest in the option selected, relative to the opposite direction will serve as an indicator to reevaluate your trading plan.

3. Buy yourself by avoiding trading options with less than one week left to expiration:

During the last week leading to option expiration price action is typically volatile. The time factor works against the option buyer and it accelerates to expiry and it is the best option with a later expiration month than the current one


When the long term trend is up then buy the call options and when the long term trend is down then buy put options. Identify the long term trend based upon the weekly charts and only trade in that direction.

For more details about Forex exchange


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